Furore #24: Beatles Special


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furoreThe Fab Four staan centraal in deze volledig Engelstalige 24e editie van Piet Schreuders’ legendarische tijdschrift Furore. Met:

• Where was the Twist and Shout cover picture photographed? by Andre Barreau
• ‘Before they was’ by Mark Lewisohn
• The Amsterdam canal cruise: Who jumped onto the Beatles’ boat?
• The original ‘Mr Kite’ poster
• The Beatles’ signatures, by Har van Fulpen
• The Beatles on the beach, by Piet Schreuders
• The photo sources of Richard Hamilton’s ‘White Album’ poster
• How The Analogues re-created ‘Revolution 9’
• Rephotographing the Beatles, by Piet Schreuders
• Memories of researching The Beatles’ London, by Adam Smith

Het tijdschrift is in mono, maar past op elke stereokoffietafel.

Schermafbeelding 2019-05-23 om 14.44.29Schermafbeelding 2019-05-23 om 14.44.52